Adoption Authority records thousands seeking birth information

More than 3,800 applications for birth certificates, birth information, early life, care, and medical information have been sought from the Adoption Authority of Ireland (AAI) over the past 12 months through the Birth Information and Tracing Act. The authority received almost 400 tracing requests in the past year, of which 66% have been allocated to […]

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Is it ever OK to call out other people’s badly behaved children?

It can be challenging to see a child acting in a way we wouldn’t tolerate in our own children, but parenting expert Dr Mary O’Kane advises a non-judgemental approach As parents, we have all been there: on a playdate or out with a group, someone has a child who is absolutely wrecking your head and […]

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Concern surrogacy laws may lead to ‘coercion’ of intended parents

Advocates for surrogacy in Ireland say they are concerned proposed new laws, which would ban compensation of surrogates abroad, could risk creating ‘hidden payments’ that could be used to coerce intended parents. The legislative proposals, which are due before Cabinet in the coming weeks, will seek to regulate both domestic and international surrogacy arrangements involving […]

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What the landlords did with their massive fortunes

The fortunes of Irish landlords peaked in the opening decade of the 18th century. Fuelled by economic prosperity due to the opening up of the Americas, and the massive growth in the demand for land from a rapidly expanding population, the few thousand landlords who monopolised ownership prospered. One of the results was a building […]

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